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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

Oct 20, 2019 - Grade 5 (Sunday PM)

Oct 20, 2019 - Grade 5 (Sunday PM)

Following is the summary of Balavihar session on Oct 20, 2019

  • We started the class with Meditation (2 mins), Guru Stotram and continue to learn – Ajam Nirvikalpam
  • In this class we did brief summary from previous class through question answers about previously learnt stories. 
  • We did recap of the stories learnt.
  • We learnt story of Devavrat became Bhishma. Discussed the importance of keeping the commitment.
    • Continuing from previous week session, where Shantanu wanted to marry Satyavathi and Sathyavati's fathers condition on Thrown to be given to Sathyavathi's childer and Shantanu could not commit to it.
    • After reaching the kingdom Shantanu became sad and was not showing interest in day to day activities of the King. 
    • Devavrat inquired about it and came to know about Shantanu's wish to marry Sathyavati and her father's conditions for marriage.
    • Devavrat reached out to Sathyavati's father for the sake of his father, gave his word to the chief that he would renounce all his claims to the throne, in favour of Satyavati's children. To reassure the skeptical chief, further he also vowed lifelong celibacy to ensure that future generations borne of Satyavati would also not be challenged by his offspring. Upon hearing this vow he immediately agreed to the marriage of Satyavati and Shantanu. 
    • Devavrata was named as Bhishma (one who has taken a terrible vow) by the celestials because of the terrible oath he took. Upon returning with Satyavati to Hastinapura he told about his vow to his father. 
    • Upon hearing about this Shantanu became highly impressed and gave him a boon that he will only die if he chooses so. Shantanu and Satyavati went on to have two sons, Chitrāngada and Vichitravirya. After Shantanu's death, Vichitravirya became the king of Hastinapura because Chitrangada was killed by a gandharva of same name when Shantanu was still alive.
Hari Om

CMTC - Vridavan Sevika and Sevak