Hari Om Parents,
Below is the update from our class grade 6 Sunday AM this week.
12th January 2020 / 9:15AM
We started with regular opening prayers. We reviewed verses of Guru Sthothram
Mahabharata- our lesson
We verbally reviewed a recap of the war scenario od day 3 and 4 and subsequently watched a 9 minutes clipping of the days 3 and 4 with the visual appeal.
India the sacred land- our lesson
Lunar calendar-
*We are following from the vedic times
*the 29 days a month has 2 parts, dark half and a bright half.
*the waning (decreasing) and waxing (increasing) moon size
*Krsnapaksh leads to amavasya (moon below the horizon) and suklapaksh leads to pournami (moon above the horizon)
*within the 14 or 15 day timeframe, every 11th is ekadasi and the 13th is pradosam, Lord Narayana's devotees observe fast and Lord Siva's devotees observe fast)
Rtu-The seasons
Sisira, Vasantha, Grisma, Varsh, saradha,Hemantha
Sisira, Vasantha, Grisma, Varsh, saradha,Hemantha
The months
Vaisaka, jyesta, Asada, Sravaa, Bhadra, Ashvina, Karthika, Agahana, Pausa, Magha, Phalguna, Chaitra
Vaisaka, jyesta, Asada, Sravaa, Bhadra, Ashvina, Karthika, Agahana, Pausa, Magha, Phalguna, Chaitra
The Ancient Universities of India
Taksasila- The Finest of the Universities established in 700 BCE.
King governing the Universities.
Each teacher had full autonomy in their respective subjects (Teachers were recognized authorities)
Chanakya, Paanini and Acharya Charaka learned and became renowned teachers in the university.
Nalandha university- More than 10500 students could study at one time.
60 subjects and more taught here.
60 subjects and more taught here.
Practical aspects of the philosophical doctrines were taught.
Students came to learn from India and all over the world.
It had a huge library and huge dorms for students with all facilities.
Founded by Acharya Sakraditya
The buddhist doctrines were well flourished even after Buddha left the university.
Gita Time- Today we learned verses 19,20 and 21 from our Dear Swamiji.
Please kindly sign up for the house contests.
Please have children bring in the likhita japa notebook to the class, thanks.
Requirements for class
*We start at 9.15 with opening prayers and it will not be nice if kids walk in while the chanting is going on. Kindly please be inside the class room on or before 9.15.
*Please send in a notebook and a pen or pencil and kindly remind them to note down important pointers which are written on the smart board as we explain.
*Noting on a solid notebook is optional (kindly no loose papers, please. If yes, please file them accordingly then and there) Please remind kids to make a good choice.
Next class is on 01/26/2020.
Please write back or text with questions or queries you may have.
Thank you all.
Grade 6 teachers Sunday AM
Latha Kakani and Vidhya Aiyer