Hari Om! Parents,
Balavihar Grade 1 had the first online Zoom Session today. The children were interactive and lively. Thank you for your patience and cooperation! The class began with deep breathing and Om chanting, "Sahanaa Vavatu" and three Sri Rama shlokas. The class chanted all seven daily prayers (My Prayers Book pg.11). Next we chanted the first three and last verse of the Guru Stotram (Balavihar Handbook). Class practiced verses 1-16 of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1. Then children learnt three poses of Suryanamaskara and enjoyed their yoga time.
The children looked at their maps and traced Lord Rama's journey to Kishkinda. We did a quick recap quiz to refresh everyone's memory about Hanuman's adventure in Lanka. Continuing with the Sundara Kanda of the Ramayana story, the vaanaras returned to Kishkinda. Delighted at the success of their mission, they began celebrating. They ate, drank and played in happiness. When King Sugriva heard of this, he sent for them immediately. Soon Hanuman, Jambavan led the vaanaras before Sugriva and Lord Rama, who welcomed them eagerly. When Lord Rama asked them what happened, each of the vaanaras began talking about their own exploits. Jambavan silenced them all and asked Hanuman to narrate the story. We discussed how humble Hanuman did not brag inspite of being the person solely responsible for the success of the mission. Hanuman prostrated before Lord Rama and told him about all that happened. He then presented Lord Rama with Sita's jewel and conveyed her message. Everyone were wonderstruck at Hanuman's almost impossible achievements. Lord Rama overwhelmed with emotion hugged Hanuman and thanked him. We spoke about how Hanuman felt all his insults, pain and suffering melt away when Bhagwan touched him and blessed him. Lord Rama asked King Sugriva to order the vaanara army to begin the march towards Lanka. Soon they reached the seashore and set up camp. Lord Rama, Lakshmana, Sugriva, Hanuman and few powerful vaanaras sat down to discuss a plan to cross the mighty ocean to Lanka. Meanwhile back in Lanka, the rakshasas were terrified at the destruction caused by Hanuman. Ravana called for his council of ministers to discuss the eminent war. He asked them for their advise to deal with the vaanara army. His rakshasa generals pledged to finish off Lord Rama and the vaanara army. His ministers praised Ravana's strength and valor, telling him that he would be victorious. We discussed how the evil Ravana believed the false praise because he was too proud to realise his mistakes. However, Vibhishana, Ravana's younger brother advised him to right the great wrong committed. He asked Ravana to return Sita and ask Lord Rama's forgiveness. Vibhishana wanted peace not war. Ravana however chose to ignore the good counsel. Instead Ravana insulted Vibhishana, calling him a traitor for taking the side of the enemy. Vibishana left Ravana's court and flew to Lord Rama's encampment and sought refuge there.
We paused the story and watched a video about Hanuman's "Lanka Dahan". The class learnt the "Atma Nivasi Rama" bhajan. We chanted the closing Shanthi Mantras and said the pledge to end class.
Jai Shri Ram!
- Rashmi and Uma