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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

Mar 22, 2020 - Grade 8 (Sunday AM)

Hari Om Parents,
Following was discussed in the Balavihar class on March 22.
1.       Welcome everyone to e Balavihar!!! Class was conducted using Zoom conferencing technology – thanks to all the hard work by the coordinators/administrators.
2.       Initial prayers.
3.       We chanted 30 verses of Bhagavad Gita chapter 1.
4.       We practiced first four slokas of Tapovan Shatakam.
5.       Sri Krishna in Chapter XII of Bhagavad Gita enumerates 35 virtues or gems for us to live by. Bhagawan says he is showing us these gems so that we can make use of them and be happy. He says "anyone living by these virtues is My darling". Next several classes we will be discussing these gems – goal is to fill our hearts with these gems so that we can be happy and contended.
6.       Gem 1 – Hate None (advesta sarvabhutanam): the idea here is to see everyone as one's own self. When our nose catches cold we don't cut it off! Because it is part of me only – we tolerate it and start seeing the good side of it – it helps to breath. If we our finger accidentally pokes our eye, even though we made be in great discomfort – but we don't punish our finger. Similarly if we understand that there is God in everyone, we all function because of His presence and that there is no one other than Him – if these ideas sink in deeply - then we will not hate anyone. If everything is God's expression, how can we hate anyone?
7.       Students bought out a question – How can you not hate person like Hitler? Our response is you hate the action not the person. Everyone has some shortcomings; we all make mistakes and we all upset someone or the other, nobody is perfect. We should not judge the person just based on one action.
8.       Pujya Gurudev said love is the heart of all religions. Love is to human heart what the sun is to flowers. If you want to others to love you, be lovable.
9.       Children like to eat cake, bake cookies – for which they need flour, sugar, oil, heat etc .. We did not make any of these ingredients. For example to grow flour you need sun, rain, fertile soil, farmer to farm it, someone to harvest and transport it to the store for you to buy it! We did not do all that – so by stretching this logic we can see that we need everyone in the society for us to survive and live comfortable. This even more evident now with the shut downs, social distancing and coronavirus pandemic!! Hence we need to be grateful to everyone.
10.   Gem 2 – Be Friendly; Maitrah – we should be friendly with all. Not choose only those to be friends who are popular/rich or famous. We have to remember what a needle can do a sword cannot – each has its own importance. A sword may be very powerful but cannot help in stitching like a needle does.
11.   Pujya Gurudev said we have to cultivate friends. We cannot buy/pick or wish someone to be our friend. Nor can be compel anyone to be our friend. We must behave in a way to deserve friends. We must develop friendliness in us – be selfless, loving, and have genuine concern for others.
12.   Story – Once in a forest lived a lion in a cave. One day a mouse crossed its path and the lion caught it. Mouse pleaded with the lion not to eat it and said that she will help the lion when right opportunity comes. The lion laughed at this suggestion that a tiny mouse will help him, but took pity on the mouse and let it go. After few days the lion got caught in a hunter's net. He could not escape from the net. The mouse heard that the lion was in trouble, came running to the lion and cut the net. Lion was freed! From that day onwards they become good friends. Moral -  Be friends with everyone. You never know whose help you will need at what time.
13.   Gem 3 – Be Compassionate; Karunah. Be compassionate towards needy. We asked who was the woman, who was not Indian but served the poor & sick in Calcutta – lot of kids knew it was Mother Theresa! Why is she so popular – because of her compassion. When asked to name who the top 5 richest people in the world were – kids came up with one or two right answers – shows what leads to real popularity.
14.   Pujya Gurudev says – kindness is an attitude of sympathy cooked in compassion, honeyed with love and served on a golden platter of understanding.
15.   Story – A king had two wives. Older was not happy at all as king gave all the attention to the younger wife. So one day she decided to end her life by drowning in a river. As she started to walk towards the river she initially came across a plant that was drying up – who asked for her help. The queen watered the plant and removed all dead leaves. After helping the plant she started walking again – now she saw a cow who said "please help me otherwise I will die". Queen cleaned the cow shed, got some grass and water for it. After helping the cow she started walking again and saw an old saint in a dilapidated hut. She cleaned the hut, cooked food for him and went to the river to drown. There the saint stopped her asked her to look at her reflection – she was transformed into a young and beautiful lady. Queen started to go back to the palace happily – enroute the cow gave her milk and the plant her flowers. When she reached the palace everyone was wonderstruck with her beauty, charm and grace – king started doting her again and gave her full attention. The younger queen heard her story and decided to go to the river herself so she can become more beautiful. Enroute the plant and cow asked for her help, not only she did not help them but also insulted them. She saw the old saint asked for his blessing to make her more beautiful. He said everyone gets what they deserve and asked her to take a dip in the river. After the dip the queen became very ugly! Saint said no one can either bless you or curse you. It is your own mind with blesses or curses you. She was not compassionate – was full of jealousy and hatred; hence her own actions and motives made her ugly. Saint advised her to lead a pure life and repent her wrongs.  Moral -  we should treat everyone with compassion.
16.   This following situation was given to the children for discussion. You and your buddy are neighbors; both of you are good friends and go to same school. One day your friend called late at night stating that they had guests over; hence she could not do her homework. She wants to copy your homework and you allow it. Teacher realizes that both cheated – so she fails both of them! – What is the right course of action here? How do you maintain friendship? – we had good discussion – bottom line - in the end we all agreed that even if you are best friends you should not allow your friend to cheat / copy. Rather you can help in other ways to finish the homework. Being compassionate does not mean to facilitate wrong actions.
17.   Despite it being the first time for the Zoom class – it went well. Talk to your children and give us feedback if we need to change anything to make the virtual class experience better. Stay home, stay safe maintaining social distancing. Let prayer for global healing and wellbeing.