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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

March 20 & 27, 2020 - Grade KG (Friday)

Hari Om Parents,

Hope every one is staying safe and well during this difficult period.

Please take care of your physical and mental health and help the community at large, in safe ways, by picking up groceries for seniors, calling and texting friends and family, sewing masks and gowns for hospital staff and emergency responders, contributing financially to soup kitchens.

Let us not under estimate the power of collective prayer to help heal and center ourselves.We are blessed to have chanting every day by volunteer chanters from 6.30 to 7 pm.Please feel free to join in. What we do as parents, deeply influences the children more than what we say. Let us unite in prayer as well.
All of Swamiji's classes are also virtual now, so feel free to attend.

Zoom Balavihar is going well and we feel that the children and us are getting used to this new technology.

We did T is for Truth on March 20. The classic story of the boy who cried wolf was taken up.Of course people will not trust us if we lie, but also we dirty up our minds which makes future lying easier. We played a game-
Big and little which shows us that it takes effort to lie and being truthful is easy and light on our mind.

On March 27, we did U is for Unity.Unity is strength was seen in the story of the Lion and 4 cows. Even though the lion is so powerful, it could not hurt the cows as long they worked together. When they split up, the lion was able to hurt the cow.We also saw how the various organs of the body also work together to serve us.

Kindergarten teachers