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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

April 5, 2020 - Grade 7 (Sunday AM)

Hari OM Parents,
Here is class update for April 5th, 2020. These blog posts will be available at:
We started with the streaming of Nama Ramayanam (My Prayers - Green book Page No: 135) in the zoom meeting while we waited for students to be admitted into the class. At 9:15 AM we started the class with OM chanting and Sahanavavatu. We then chanted Sri Rama Dhyana shloka (My Prayers - Green book Page No: 129-1,2) like we had in previous classes.
We continued with Vibhishana Gita (Keys to Success): An odyssey of mind that uses the analogy of Chariot. Sri Rama used it to enlighten Vibhishana about inner preparation for the battle. We reviewed topics covered last week – The Reins:
·         Forgiveness (Ksama): We covered the story of Saint Ekantha Maharaj – he forgives the person trying to anger him to that point that he asks "Whar For?" when asked to forgive! Gurudev Swami Chimamanda refers to "Forgiveness is like Sandlewood" -spreads a sweet fragrance even when it is cut or rubbed to make sandal paste. We discussed quotes:
o   "Think the first step is to understand that forgiveness does not exonerate the perpetrator. Forgiveness liberates the victim. It's a gift you give yourself."
o   "There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love."
·         Compassion (Krpa): We discussed how compassion comes with respect. When we recognize the humanity in the other person, we respect them and feel compassionate.
·         Equanimity (Samata): Quality of staying cheerful and even when dealing with both success & failure, happiness & sadness. We reviewed the story of how Eagle rides the storm by staying on a high mountain and uses the winds of glide away to safety.
Today, we continued on to Birati & Samtosa:
·         Dispassion (Birati): Passion can be towards something lower or higher. We covered the story of "Monkey Trap" - how monkey's unwillingness to let go of the fruit inside a cage is used to trap it. On the other hand, a passion for something higher can be inspire us to work hard and achieve great things. We talked about a story of a boy who worked on a piano recital as a tribute to his sick mother – with that dedication made a wonderful performance on stage impressing his teachers.  
o   We also talked about how to develop dispassion by recognizing that happiness is within us and not in the objects that we seek. There is a beginning, middle and end to any sensual happiness, and only the bliss within is eternal.
·         Contentment (Samtosa):  Mahatma Gandhi had said "There is enough in the world for our needs, but there is never enough for our greed". Puja Gurdev was contented just to try three dishes during Chappan Bhoga at Temple, even though devotees wanted him to try everything offered.  We also reviewed the story of monster Kabanda from Ramayana – the creature just wanted keep eating Rama & Lakshmana until they cut of its hands.

Next, Ragav started the class by asking questions about topic covered last week:
·         What was the prophecy which foretold the doom of Lanka?
·         Where did Hanuman find Sita?
·         Name the encounters Hanuman faced on his way to Lanka?
·         What did Hanuman do after meeting Sita? Why did she do this?
·         How was Hanuman subdued?
Students responded to these questions in the zoom chat session, many got the answers right. He then proceeded to how Hanuman was captured and was to be executed. However, Vibhishana advised against it and instead recommended that Hanuman's tail be set on fire. Hanuman's tail was then set on fire which Hanuman used to set entire Lanka on fire!
Kumbakarna is woken up and even he advises Ravana to do the right thing in returning Sita. But Ravana does not listen. Vibhishana  is accused of being a traitor by Ravana as he does not support him in plans to go on a war with Rama. So, Vibhishana leaves Lanka with some of his friends and takes refuge in Rama. Ragav asked the students to think about how they would deal with the situation if someone near and dear to them is doing something adharmic, and refuses to listen.
There is no class next week. On April 19th couple of high school students (JCHYK) will be covering the Ramayana story. They will cover the construction of Rama's bridge to Lanka and the events leading up to it.
Please have students recite Gita verses. These are available on You Tube:
1.       Verses 1 - 10:  
2.       Verses 11 – 20:  
3.       Verses 21 – 30:
We then finished the class with aarti, closing prayers and pledge. Enjoy the break next week, hope to see everyone on April 19th