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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

May 10, 2020 - JCHYK Gr. 10-12 (Sunday AM)

Hari om everyone,

In this week's class, we did meditation and chanted aaditya hRudayam, followed by the last 1/3rd of BG chapter 1.  We are getting more comfortable with the chanting these days!

Last week's Brain Teaser: Have you seen or met anyone who has never lied in his entire life?

Answer: A baby who is yet to learn how to speak!  We didn't get a chance to discuss this in class today.  We will do it in the next class.

Today's Brain Teaser:  What is it that if I have, I cannot share..., if I share, I cannot have?  Hmmm..., what can it be?!   

We used a cool feature on Zoom today.  It has an option where we can create small breakout rooms and enable discussions on specific topics within each small group! We broke the class into 5 groups and assigned different questions, based on the topics we have already learnt in class.  It was nice to see that they were able to analyse and come up with the right answers and logic to establish the same!  

Some of their thoughts are as below:
  • Things are not as bad as you think.  Be optimistic
  • Consider everyone's viewpoint before jumping to conclusions
  • We need the knowledge to gain experience and make wise decisions
  • Fate is very much there.  But you have to work towards getting there.  Death is inevitable; you don't work towards it.  But you have to live life to set an example, like bheeShma
  • Idols make it easier for us to focus and channel our devotion. But it is not only in the stick or stone in a temple.  It is what we make of it!  It is also in our thoughts
  • Negative thoughts cloud the judgement and we cannot see the right perspective.  Hence clarity of thought is very important! 
These are a few examples of their line of thought.  Three cheers to them all! 

Today being Mother's Day, we asked each one of them what they have learnt from their moms in this past year.  We had many interesting responses and endearing ones too!  Most of them spoke about the current situation where we are all under lockdown and it is a completely different world out there.  They spoke about what they have learnt in the past 2 months from their moms!!  We were very happy to hear their thoughts.  Below are some of them - 
  • Learnt the importance of cleanliness, both mind and surroundings
  • Helping with the dishes
  • Thinking more; admitting my mistakes
  • Realized that it is not easy at all, for the moms who stay-at-home!
  • Baking..., baking without burning
  • Learnt cooking; cutting veggies; helping in the kitchen; doing the dishes
  • Time management skills
  • Siblings time (up to us - we can either fight or be good :)
  • Patience - to take one day at a time and not crib about the monotony!
  • Volunteering and driving with mom to help people during this time of crisis!
Thank you, moms, for being such wonderful role models to your children!  Due to your guidance, these children will certainly turn out to be wonderful samaritans of tomorrow!!  

We ran overtime today and had to finish up with chanting shaanti mantra (poorNamadaH poorNamidam...)

We are looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.  It will be a movie week at Bala Vihar and we are going to be bringing you a fun and exciting movie :).  Look forward to it.

See you all next week.

Rashmi and Kishore.