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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

May 17, 2020 - Grade 2 (Sunday AM)

Hari Om parents,

      Hope all of you are doing well and enjoying the beautiful weather. Last Sunday we had a great class. Here is the summary - 

1. We started with opening prayers chanting the 3 OM's and the shlokas - Vakratunda Mahakaya,  Saraswati Namastubhyam and Guru bramha.
2. We then chanted the Dhyaan shlok and revised the meaning as well
3. Story : Man, the glory of creation. In the forest 🌳, all the 🦊, πŸ•, 🦚,🐟, 🦌gathered time complain about their unhappiness about human beings in front of a. Saint. 
The 🦊 said , "I am very intelligent. Does man cheat less than I do? No, he is also as cunning as I am. ". 
A πŸ• joined and complained, " I am the most loyal, and yet man hurts me when he is not in a good mood!".
Next, a  πŸ¦š indignantly said, "Even Lord Krishna loves me and adores me as he wears my feather on his head. But, I feel man is no good."
And one after the other they continued with their complaints. Finally, the saint responded, "  you are all right. Yes, you all have something more to offer than the man does. Nevertheless, man is still great because of his sense of discrimination. He can judge what is right and what is wrong. Man has Intellect and, if he uses it, he can be the king of the universe, but, if he does not use it he is worse than an animal." When we use our intellect, we recognize God's glory everywhere. Let us use our Intellect, not to deceive but to see the glory of the Lord and make of your life worthwhile.
4. Brainstorming- God's gifts or My gifts. Swami Chinmayanada always said, " What you have is God's gift to you. What do you do with what you have is your gift to him." Our body is a gift to us from the Lord. My hand is a gift given to me by God. I can use it to slap a person, push a person, help person or embrace a person. By using the power of discrimination I can decide to push/slap or embrace a person. Doing the right thing with God's gifts alongside with the power of discrimination is my gift to God.
5. We chanted the Hanuman Chalisa turnwise verse by verse and am so happy to see kids chanting with so much of energy. ❤️ It. 
6. You tube Story time - Smart business. Here is the link - 
A fantastic story of a young determined boy who is hard working  and positive. He  starts from no money at all to becoming one of the richest person in the village. He does not give up and works hard towards his success. He is determined and courageous( ready to try new things). Please do watch the story. It is amazing!
7. We ended the class with closing prayers.

Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend! No Balvihar this weekend. Look out for a special email coming soon. A mini project about vows. We are going to create a forest of vows( Tapovanam). Take care!! 

Rupa & Chitra.