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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

Jun 7, 2020 - Grade 8 (Sunday AM)

Hari Om Parents,

Following was discussed in the e Balavihar class on June 7.

1.      Class was conducted again using Zoom conferencing technology.

2.      Initial prayers and Tapovan Shatakam verses were chanted.

3.      Today was the last day of Balavihar! Our book title was – Yato Dharma, Tato Jayah. We divided the students into two teams and let them discuss the topics discussed throughout the year with examples given from Mahabharata, other puranas or their own life experience – power point presentation.


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 7.      We showed video clips of Kungfu Panda movie – which drives home this message of faith in oneself.


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10.  We would like to sincerely thank all the parents for sending their children to the classes all through the year and thank all the coordinators who have worked so hard to make sure  Balavihar ran smoothly both at ashram and remotely.

 11.  We also profusely thank Swami Shantanandaji for giving us this opportunity to teach this year. We know that through teaching your children we have learnt and benefited a lot throughout the year. We hope to continue to reflect and put in practice various values we have discussed with the children.

12.   We take leave by seeking Pujya Gurudev and Swamiji's blessing. Have a safe, healthy and enjoyable summer!!



Mekhala Girish

Devender Akula

Sun AM 8th Grade Teachers