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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

Nov. 17, 2019 - Grade 8 (Sunday AM)

Harih Om Parents,
Following was taught to your child during Balavihar class on November 17th:
1.      After initial prayers we continued with Bhagavad Gita Dhyana sloka teaching -  so far we have taught the children upto 7 verses.
2.      Swamiji has completed 6 verses of Bhagavad Gita chanting – please have your children practice at home.
3.      We continued with "Yaksha Prashnas" :
  1. How does one fit to be a companion? A – by patience.

    With patience we can understand our companion better, accept the strengths and weaknesses. If we are patient it helps us to get along with different people with different backgrounds and understand their view point.
  2. How does one become intelligent? A –  by serving elders.

    Elders have lot of wisdom acquired through personal experience, this can be passed on to the next generation when the younger genereation associate with the elders and serve them. This knowledge comes to the elders from their own lifetime of trials and tribulations; and is not something one can learn from the 'books'.
  3. Which is one step to Dharma? – being efficient.

    It means doing the right work at the right time. When we perform appropriate actions we are automatically doing our duty, which means we are following our Dharma. These people tend to be successful and happy.
  4. Which is one step to fame? – by charity.

    Charity is sharing what we have; also sharing in others sufferings and pain. When we are good hearted and generous people will automatically like us and we become famous. If charity is difficult for a person, they should start by giving away things which they do not use or like. Slowly over time, they will be able to give away things which they are attached to. Monetary/material charity should be given to only the deserving, not to someone who will misuse the funds. In other words, whom we give the money to, how the donated goods are being used etc. is as important as giving it.
  5. Which is one step to heaven? – truthfulness.

    Speak truth which is pleasant; speak not truth if it is unpleasant or hurts; speak not untruth even if it is pleasant – this is the core teaching of Sanatana Dharma. We discussed this with the kids using real life examples.
  6. Which is one step to happiness? – noble character.

    Character is shaped by our repeated thoughts and actions. Noble thoughts will lead to noble actions. If actions are good; results will also be good (law of karma) - good results =  happiness. Thus noble character will lead to happiness.
4.      Mahabharata story continued ….

5.      Reverence to elders – Yudhisthira went and got blessings from Bheesma and Drona on the battlefield before the war began inspite of these elders fighting for the the Kaurava army. The result was Pandavas won the battle.
Lesson learnt (LL) – Revere elders and parents, and you will be successful with their blessings.
6.      Grandfather's secret - At end of 9th day of battle Pandavas approach Bheesma asking him how he can be defeated in the battle. Bheesma tells them secret that he won't use his weapons if a woman is in front of him. By having Shikandi in front, Arjuna  is able to mortally wound  Bheesma and the Pandavas win the war.

LL -  earn the love of your elders by your behavior; Bheesma was magnanimous and revealed the secret of how he could be killed because of the love and respect he had for the Pandavas..
7.      Be Thy Instrument – Bheesma lets Arjuna's arrows pierce his body and falls down in the battle.  Pandavas eventually kill most of the Kauravas and win the war under guidance of Lord Krishna.

LL – be an instrument in Lord's hand as He taught in Bhagavad Gita. Lord will always be with you when you follow Dharma. Always do the right thing and victory will be yours. Do not focus on short term victories but live life for the long haul in a steadfast manner doing your duties.
8.      Gandhari's curse – Gandhari, due to attachment to her sons is bereft with grief that not one of her 100 sons lived. Even though Sri Krishna explained to Gandhari that her sons died as a result of their own wrong doing, nevertheless she cursed that the whole Yadhava clan be destroyed as she blamed Lord Krishna for the death of her children. Both Kauravas and Yadavas eventually perish.
LL – everyone pays price the for their actions and often times attachment affects our judgment. One should be crystal clear about one's own follies and put our ego aside and ask for the Lord's forgiveness. Lord accepts even the curse of His devotees.
Thank you!

Devender Akula 


Mekhala Girish (Sunday A.M. 8th grade Balavihar teachers)