Beginning prayers
· saha naavavatu
. Vakratunda Mahakaya
. Saraswathi Namasthubhyam
. Gururbrahmaa
. Budhir Balam
· Guru Stotram (all verses)
Gitaa chanting
Verses 17 & 18
Yoga Time
Breathing exercise, tree pose, flamingo.
Story time
· Recap of King pRuthu's story
· Teachings of sanath kumaaras (6 sharks of samsaara)
During story time, the children narrated the story of pRuthu by taking turns! Then we learnt about how the sanath kumaaras visited king pRuthu and advised him about how to cross the ocean of life. They told him about the 6 sharks in the ocean of life called samsaara. They are - Lust, Anger, Greed, Pride, Delusion and Jealousy. We heard individual stories about these 6 traits and how to overcome them. (Do talk to the children about the stories and the long discussions we had in class on the topics.
By crossing the ocean of samsaara (life) one can reach his goal called moksha (salvation). To avoid these 6 ferocious sharks of life, we need the aid of paramaatmaa (the Lord Himself). To be able to recognize these sharks in our life is a task in itself. As soon as we recognize our own follies, the easiest way to overcome them, is surrendering to the Lord. Hence, we all chanted 'Om namo bhagavate vaasudevaaya' 11 times.