Hari Om Parents,
Below is the update from our class grade 6 Sunday AM this week.
8th March 2020 / 9:15AM
We started with regular opening prayers.
Our lesson- India the sacred land
Topic- Geniuses of Ancient India
Aryabhatta- *Masters in Astronomy and Math
*Student of Nalandha- later became the head.
*He postulated earth is round and Moon is dark and shines because of the sun
*The eclipse theory
*The value of Pi
*Expressing large numbers in words.
Acharya Charaka-*Exponent of medical system "kayachikilsa"
*believed in the theory that "Physicians to enter the body of a patient with a lamp of knowledge and understanding, could treat diseases better".
*Prescribed medicines to restore the imbalances created by the Doshas- Vaada, pitta and kapha.
*To know how to prevent the occurrence of diseases.
(Great timing as we're taking precautions to prevent the prevailing Corona Virus)
*Charaka samhita, Agnivesa tantra, Krsna Yajurveda are his works
*Also masters in genetics and anatomy.
Acharya Susruta-*Father of surgeries
*Expertise aneststhesioligist.
*Cataract, brain surgeries, plastic surgeries,Artificial limba, c-sections - surgeries performed.
*His susruta samhita gives tips for more than 300 types of surgeries/operations.
*Designed over 125 types and more instruments from jawbones of animals and birds.
Acharya Bharathwaja Rishi- *Lord SriRama's contemporary. Advised Him to live in Chithrakoota.
*Expert in Aeronautics- *Authored Yanthra sarvaswa.
*Discoveries in Aviation science, space and flying machines- Flies on earth from one plane to another, travels from one planet to another, travels from this universe to another.
Rishi Bhaskaracharya the 2nd-*Master in Algebra, Geometry and astronomy.
*His works are compiled as "surya sidhantha"
*Noted on the force of gravity.
*Defined the center of gravity.
Acharya Patanjali-*father of yoga
*Taught to control the fluctuating thoughts in the mind.
*Taught the importance of the 8 points-Yama, Niyama, Aasana, Pranaayama,Pratyahara,Dharan, Dhyana and Samaadhi.
GPS Guru Parampara System of Life
Destination of the "goal of life" is liberation and happiness forever.
GPS directs us to reach the detination and points out how to live our daily lives.
*to remember "acharya daevo bhava"- Guru gives us guidance and teach us the "attitude of the gratitude" and values enshrined in the scriptures.
*To attain the state of "Satchitanad"
*The frame work of gratitude includes- Devarna- spiritual practices.
Rsrna- to get soaked in wisdom,gain knowledge about self,cosmos.
Pitrna- what we are and teachings passed on verbally from our ancestors.
Nirna- sensible, socially helpful and ready to serve.
Bhutrna- Being kind to living beings causing no or minimum pollution in nature.
Live by the values-Prayers, listening to parents, gurus and elders, being good and kind to friends, animals and nature.
Keys to divine cooperation- Working hard with patience and courage,God helps those who help others. To learn to have the right attitude, to keep harmony with cosmos, happy and peaceful mind contribues constructively to the world.
Gita time- we reviewed Gita verses from 1-10 from our Dear Swamiji (we also practiced a few verses beyond)
Please kindly sign up for the house contests.
Homework-Please have children complete a page of likhita japa (Om namah sivaya, Om sree mathre namaha, Sriramajayam, Sreekrishna saranam mama, Hare Rama Hare Krsna) at home and bring in the likhita japa notebook to the class, thanks.
Geeta Chanting:
- Registrations for Geeta Chanting Yajna are now open.
Regionals on 3/28/2020
Requirements for class
*We start at 9.15 with opening prayers and it will not be nice if kids walk in while the chanting is going on. Kindly please be inside the class room on or before 9.15.
*Please send in a notebook and a pen or pencil and kindly remind them to note down important pointers which are written on the smart board as we explain.
*Noting on a solid notebook is optional (kindly no loose papers, please. If yes, please file them accordingly then and there) Please remind kids to make a good choice.
Please keep ourselves clean by washing hands frequently, using tissue papers while sneezing and coughing and making sure about keeping our place sanitized to avoid viruses being spread. Live healthy both mind and body.
Next class is on 03/15/2020 (There is "meet the parents" segment planned, details to follow)
Please write back or text with questions or queries you may have.
Thank you all.
Grade 6 teachers Sunday AM
Latha Kakani and Vidhya Aiyer
Attachments area