Hari om everyone,
Update for this weekend class -
We started with meditation and chanting. We learnt Aditya hRudayam until verse 10 and BG ch. 1 till verse 42. Below are the recordings for the new verses learnt.
Last week's Brain Teaser: Which is the most destructive weapon in this world?
Answer: Tongue! As they say, it is an organ that doesn't have a bone but has the power to bring down nations. Neither spoken words nor sped arrows can be taken back. One thoughtless word can cause unindented harm and irreversible damage. This is a good reminder to be watchful of our words!
Today's Brain Teaser: You have to fill up a dark empty room in 3 mins. How would you accomplish this?
Put your thinking caps on and email us the answer at the earliest! We are looking forward to hearing from both students as well as parents :).
In class, we were at the tail end of finishing chapter 9. To re-iterate the shraddha one MUST have in the Lord, we listened to the story of Dr Mark, a cancer specialist. He wasn't really a theist. He believed in his own work and was happy to save lives. Once he was heading to a conference to some other town in a flight. On the way, there were technical difficulties and had an emergency landing in an unexpected place. Although he hated driving, not wanting to be late to the conference, he rented a car and started driving. On the way, a sudden storm brewed up and he took a wrong exit. He got lost and was driving forever looking for signs of a town. To add to this, his phone died too. He finally came up to a small house and went in, wanting to use the phone.
A lady came to the door. She didn't have a phone but welcomed him in. She offered him a snack and hot tea. After that, she said he could join her in her prayers if he wanted to. The doctor sat there watching her. She was finishing one prayer and beginning another! Thinking she might be in need of help, the doctor asked what she was asking for.
To his absolute shock, the lady said, 'my little son in the crib has a rare type of cancer. I am told that my last and only resort is Dr Mark. He lives very far away and I do not have the means to take my son there or pay for the treatment. But the Lord will make some way for my son to get better. I will not lose my faith in the Lord and will keep praying!'
The doctor was amazed and tears were rolling down his cheeks! Come to think of it - his flight had technical difficulties; he hated driving but he rented a car; a storm brewed up; he took a wrong turn; his phone died; he knocked on the door of the lady during her prayer time; she didn't have a phone!! All these events panned out just so the Lord could answer the diligent prayers of a young mother!!!
The doctor was very humbled and he treated the child. The child got better and this incident reinstated intense faith in the doctor towards the Lord!
This story is supposed to be based on a true incident! Always know that there is a higher power than any of us can comprehend. That is the power of the Lord. We always have to trust Him and move forward doing our duties diligently. The result should be left unto Him.
During our discussion time, we spoke about the 'Input and Output' device we possess as human beings.
- Our 5 sense organs (jnaanendriya) - eyes; nose; ears; tongue and skin - are the medium through which we perceive the world. These are our input devices
- Whereas, our 5 organs of action (karmendriya) - speech; legs; hands; excretory organs and reproductive organs - are the medium through which the world around perceives us! These are our output devices.
We have to be aware and watchful of these faculties, in order to make their best use. We should not be slaves to the sense organs and engage in satiating them. Rather, we should be in charge and think our actions through. Our organs of actions should indulge ONLY in thoughtful actions that are thought through on the basis of dharma.
We also spoke about how in today's affluent world, it is very easy for us to be materialistic and get carried away with our indulgences. We took up the example of birthdays that are celebrated lavishly, engaging in self-indulgent activities. Instead, we could think about how blessed we are to be living a comfortable life already.
Another aspect we discussed was, on our birthdays, we are special alright! But it is a special day for our parents too!! The parent too was born on that day! In the sense, before the child was born, they were just a husband and wife. Now, they assume an additional role of a parent! So, it is a special day for them too. So, let us start the day with prostrating to our parents, not just on our birthdays but EVERY SINGLE DAY! The warm emotion that blooms in the parents' heart for the well being of their child when they prostrate, serves as a shield for the child when he/she goes out. The 'sankalpa' (will) of the parent is so strong that the child will 'stay blessed' in all his/her endeavors always!
The students have said that they will remember to do praNaams to their parents regularly. If they forget, please don't hesitate to remind them, so that it becomes a regular habit.
In the wake of Corona Virus pandemic, Bala Vihar for the coming Sunday has been cancelled.
Wishing a safe passing of this rampant problem and the well-being of one and all. Take care everyone, and remember to send your answers in for the Brain teaser!
Rashmi and Kishore.
Rashmi and Kishore.