Hari Om Parents,
Following was discussed in the Balavihar class on March 8.
1. Initial prayers. We realized that we did not send March 8 class report hence we are sending it now, it was the last class in person! Feels so long ago!!!
2. Swamiji had completed 30 verses of Bhagavad Gita chanting.
3. We practiced slokas of Tapovan Shatakam.
4. Satyam
We continued with one of the three cardinal principles of Sanatana Dharma - satyam, previously we had discussed brahmacarya and ahimsa. Satyam implies to live up to one's intellectual convictions and act in harmony with them. Some part of it was already discussed in the previous class. Few other points were reinforced. When we observe life of successfully people one of the important traits that seems to be common in them is integrity; which can be understood as truthfulness at all levels of activity. That is at physical, mental and intellectual levels. Integrated person is easily accepted, believed, trusted and befriended by everyone. Integrity is a personal asset for any person in any field. Our values determine our thoughts which in turn determine our actions. An integrated person will try to live up to his ideals no matter what challenges he faces from within or without. This eventually leads to unfoldment of his personality. Only such people are evolvers others are mere adapters who compromise at every turn. They will be slaves to their habits. Only a person of integrity will have power over his habits and happenings. Hence integrity is an essential secret of all very successful people.
We then played a game where all the students were sitting around passing ball to music, when the music stopped whoever had the ball last had to answer to some specific question. The responses were discussed and debated. Some of the questions that were posed where, for example A. You go to a friend's place and accidentally break something without anyone seeing you and no one knows about it. What will you do? B. Teacher gives you test results back and you realized that she did not score properly and gave you more marks than you deserve. What will you do? C. A friend of yours is stealing small items from various places what will you do? Why? D. You are invited to a party by a group of students' after-school; you know your parents do not approve of this group of students. What would you do? There was healthy discussion and debate. Some students were considering compromising a little and not telling the whole truth. Dangers inherent in speaking half-truths were reinforced to them with examples (our last in class group activity!)
The empty pot - once there was a king who did not have an heir for his throne. He called all the subjects, gave out seeds to them and told them whoever can grow the best plant from the seeds will become the future King. After six months all the subjects brought pots with beautiful plants. Only one young man came with an empty pot. The king looked at all the beautiful plants and also the empty pot. He asked the young man why his pot was empty. The boy said I watered, put fertilizer and took great care of the seed but unfortunately it did not sprout. The young man became the future King! The King had given all of them roasted seeds that could not sprout; only the young man in spite of everyone making fun of him did not lie. We need Satyam for victory. Satyam eva jayate. Truth alone wins.
When we say something, do something and think something we have a split personality. Person with split personality cannot succeed in life. Everyone will realize that person is not genuine and will avoid them. We will develop inner agitations and tensions. Instead when we adhere to Satyam, we will develop an integrated personality, wherein our thoughts, words and actions will be aligned. Mahatma Gandhi was once taking a spelling test. An inspector from education board came to school that day. Gandhiji's teacher wanted to show how good the students were doing. He noticed that Gandhiji made a mistake on his test. He wanted Gandhiji to copy from his neighbor and fix his mistake. Gandhiji refused to do that. That was his honesty and truthfulness, because of which he became Mahatma the great soul. When we are speaking truth we are trying to get closer to the Lord, Who alone can lead us to victory in our life.
5. The Talking Cup
Once a couple were looking at a beautiful cup in a shop and suddenly the cup started talking to them. It said I owe it all to my maker I was only a lump of clay. He initially placed me on a wheel and turned me around, I was very dizzy and was asking him to stop, but he did not listen. After that he put me in a hot fire, it was so hot that I was screaming and shouting. He finally pulled me out and painted on me. I started looking pretty and I thanked my maker. But he put me in the fire again I started shouting and complaining again as the temperature was higher this time. He finally took me out and with a very thin brush painted on me for many hours with beautiful gold designs on me. I started looking prettier than any other cups. He again put me in a fire which was even hotter than before. This time I did not shout or complain as I knew what my maker wanted to accomplish. After many hours he took me out I looked extremely gorgeous, and I thanked my maker profusely. The cups said if it was left to me, I would have been just a ball of clay. Similarly to excel in life you must go through austerity or tapas. God puts us through ups and downs in life only to mold our personality and make us better person, provided we surrender to Him.
6. The treasure chest
A beggar once lived under a tree in a village. He was very dirty, had no money and nobody liked to go close to him as he had a very bad smell. He barely managed to get enough food to survive. He led a miserable life. Eventually he grew old and died. The villagers wanted to bury him; villagers started digging under the tree where he sat. While digging they hit a box and opened it. They found treasure with a lot of precious jewels in the box. The beggar was sitting on a treasure chest all through his life and did not even know about it!
Our situation is similar. Our Scriptures tell us that we have a treasure inside us, but we feel limited, helpless and miserable most of the time. We don't have to live like the beggar, if we can find the treasure we can live like kings! Lord Krishna gives out 35 values in chapter 12 of Bhagavad Gita. These values are the treasure that we are looking for. By following these values we can lead happy and contented life. In the next few classes we will be discussing these 35 values.
Mekhala Girish
Devender Akula
Sun AM 8th Grade Teachers