Hari Om Parents,
The following is what we did during today's class.
1. "Om Saha navavatu" (page 8 in My Prayers book)
2. "Vakrathunda Mahakaya" (page 27 in My Prayers book)
3. "Karegre vasate" (page 11 in My prayers book)
4. "Akanda-mandalakaram" (page 61 in My Prayers book)
5. "Ajnana-timirandhasya" (page 61 in My Prayers book)
6. "Gururbrahma" (page 61 in My Prayers book)
7. "Thvameva Maathacha" (page 62 in My Prayers book)
8. "Samudra vasane devi" (page 11 in My Prayers book)
9. "Saraswathi namasthubyam" (page 12 in My Prayers book)
10. "Subham karothi kalyanam" (page 12 in My Prayers book)
11. "Karacharana krithamva" (page 12 in My Prayers book)
12. "Bhramaarpanam bhrama havih" (page12 in My Prayers book)
13. "Srirama Rama Ramethi" (page 129 in My Prayers book)
14. "Manojavam Maaruta" (page 152 in My Prayers book)
- We have introduced most of the Dainikaprarthanah (means Daily Prayers) and 4 slokas from the Gurustoram. Please have the kids make it a habit to chant the above shlokas every morning, (lighting the lamps / evening) after their bath/shower. This will help them learn, memorize as well as develop a lifelong habit of morning prayer and daily prayer.
- We played the Concentration Game. After the chanting of 3 "Om's kids keep their eyes closed. They count the number of stones being dropped into a box during the quiet time. Later they give the count of the stones dropped. The game quiets the mind and improves concentration. I muted everyone so that the kids wouldn't have any potential distractions from each other. Almost ALL of the students got the count correct! The rest of them were very close. They all were visibly thrilled!
- Please practice "Likita Japa" with the kids, we have taught them how to write "Rama" in Hindi and please have them continue to write "Rama" or "Jai Sri Ram" or "Sri Rama Jeyam". The kids are welcome to practice "Rama" likita japa during the week if they would like to do so. They also get points for submitting their likita japa as well. If the kids have some incomplete pages in their coloring books, they may color them, Please Stop on Lesson 31.
- We had a very special and fun filled class today. 3 JCHYKs joined us to teach and recap our Balaramayana story so far. They had created a Kahoot! Quiz with 22 multiple choice questions that the kids were able to answer from their devices. For most of the class, this was their first exposure to Kahoot! From the cheering, smiling and enthusiasm, I felt like the class was a grand success! There were a few trick questions that were in there, the kids along with their parents were able to figure them out. It was so nice to see that the class had retained all that they have learnt in Balaramayana so far. The quiz aptly left off where we will be restarting our story next week. Thank you to the parents for joining today's class and helping the kids with the quiz. We were very fortunate to get a great group of JCHYKs come in and spend time with us today.
Please go to the link below to check out the pictures from this week's class
Each week's update is maintained on Google docs, if for any reason you are unable to attend class on a certain Sunday, you are requested to check for weekly updates so that your child does not miss out. Below is the link
Keerthi Kobla and Dipti Chauhan