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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

Jun 7, 2020 - KG (Sunday PM)

Hari Om Parents,

Today was our last balavihar session for this Sunday PM KG 2019-2020 Balavihar year. Many thanks to the parents. All of you made it possible for us to have wonderful sessions both in class and online. We are very grateful for your children and each of them has something unique and special that they brought to the class. We really enjoyed spending time with them every weekend.

As discussed in the class please look out for the registration links for next session and the summer eBalavihar camp. Wish you a great summer and look forward to bumping into the wonderful faces in the ashram soon. 


June 7th  2020 / 12:45 PM

  1. Today after the initial prayers, we had one child lead each of the slokas and the rest of the class repeated after them. 

  2. We then took a walk down the memory lane from the start of the year and asked the children the stories, games, art, events from our all our sessions. It was fun to revisit some of the pictures that we have shared with you in our weekly report from Sept 2019

  3. Pledge: We completed going over the remaining lines from the pledge along with stories & discussion. 

For the Lord's grace flowing through us we discussed the xample of Flute, and the air flowing through it without any 'dirt' or 'obstacles' to create melodious music. Similarly if we keep our mind and body pure, Lord will spread love and good deeds through us to the community.

For 'responsibilities' we discussed what each of the children in KG is responsible for. What if they don't do their daily tasks (brushing, showering, eating, sleeping, studying, praying,etc) , how difficult it will be for the parents and the family to function. Similarly how it will impact the larger community if everyone is not responsible and do their tasks.

For Service of the county we showed a video, and also discussed various ways in which they can serve: Army, nurse, doctor, fireman, police, keeping the streets clean, feeding poor people, etc

   We stand as one family

bound to each other with love and respect.

We serve as an army,

courageous and disciplined,

Ever ready to fight

against all low tendencies and false values,

within and without us.

We live honestly

the noble life of sacrifice and service,

producing more than what we consume,

and giving more than what we take

We seek the Lord's grace,

to keep us on the path of virtue, courage, and wisdom.

May Thy grace and blessings

flow through us

to the world around us.

We believe that the service of our country

is the service of the Lord of Lords,

and devotion to the people

is the devotion to the Supreme Self.

We know our responsibilities;

give us the ability and courage to fulfil them.

Om Tat SaT 


    1. Service of county: 


  1. We had the parents join the class and presented our annual show in the form of the video that we put together with their help: Alphabet Safari 2019-2020

  2. We followed with the Slokas video that some of the children volunteered for

  3. The parents joined the children for Aarti and prayers





Rajesh Jayakumar

Priya Nambiar